Aluminum Related Health Information
The temperature at which aluminum can melt and even vaporize is actually lower than the highest temperature your plant material's ember can reach during smoking. When you scrape the bowl for whatever reason, you can very easily gouge an aluminum pipe, which will put small particles of aluminum in the bowl.This means you can be smoking aluminum vapor in some cases, which can be extremely dangerous to your health long term. The vaporization temperature for stainless steel is far higher, and you most likely won't gouge it nearly as easily, which puts you safely in the green (no pun intended!).
There have been countless studies on the health effects of aluminum on mammals and the human brain. We have linked some of those here, as well as some articles from doctors.

Source - Dr. David Williams -
Link to study - Avoid Aluminum for Better Brain Health

Source: US National Library of Medicine –
Link: [Aluminum and Alzheimer's disease]

Source: US National Library of Medicine –